

Knowledge Hub


Click here to download the report


Click here to download the report


Baltic Exchange Weekly Freight Market Report

Click here to download the report


Hamburg and Bremen Shipbrokers' Association (VHBS)

Click here to download the report

HAMBURG INDEX Containership Time-Charter Rates (HAX).

Click here to download the report

Click here to download the report

Maritime Workers & Mesothelioma



The Hong Kong Maritime Leasing Paper May 2018

Click here to download the report.


The International Chamber of Shipping Annual Review

Click here to download the report.

trinity house logo web

For the latest Notices to Mariners click here.

Light dues rates

2018 ALDIS user guide


Customs Information Papers Issued

Please note that all Customs Information Papers issued can be dowloaded directly from the Government website under: Business tax - collection > Customs Information Papers


Maritime and Coastguard Agency: CERS Workbook

CERS3 Workbook v.1.2.2

CERS3 Workbook v.1.2.2 Lite

Common Errors in Workbook Submissions

CERS Advice Note 1 of 2017


Department for Transport - National Maritime Single Window

Please click on the links below for DfT guidance documents on the NMSW:

P2015 06 26 Instruction and Information Guide for Ship Masters and Agents...

160121 DfT Note to Industry - Pilot Launch January 2016 PDF

160128 DfT NMSW Guidelines


Department for Transport - Pre-Arrival Notification forms

Please click on the links below for DfT guidance on the completion of Pre-Arrival Notification forms and a completed example:

160113 PAN Guidance Letter_BB

160113 EXAMPLE PAN 2016_BB


Maritime and Coastguard Agency list of banned ships as at 17th April 2017

Please click on the link below for the list of latest banned ships:

Maritime and Coastguard list of banned ships


Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers EUR1-ATR and Trinity House Guide

Please click on the link below for this document:

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers EUR1-ATR and Trinity House Guide


OpCost : a new vessel operating cost benchmarking tool

OpCost is a vessel operating cost benchmarking tool created by, and exclusive to, Moore Stephens. OpCost provides unique information that allows shipowners, financiers, lawyers and other interested parties to benchmark vessels' operating costs against a global sample.

Click here to check the tool.


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Click here for the latest industry developments from Intercargo.



FONASBA documentation is available here.

The latest FONASBA newsletter is available here.


You can also find the list of latest CIPs on the last internal page of our Company Member Newsletter.