

Dutch Shipbrokers Association BBQ

  • Date Tuesday, July 2, 2019
  • Venue Norwegian Seaman's Church


On Tuesday 2 July the yearly BBQ event of the Dutch Shipbrokers Association (NZS) will be held in cooperation with ICS. The BBQ will start from 18:30 and takes place at the Norwegian Seaman's Church, Westzeedijk 300, 3016 AP Rotterdam.

There is sufficient parking spaces in the area and the location is reachable by public transport.

Due to limited space available, a maximum number of participants is set. Therefore, please subscribe as soon as possible!

The costs for the BBQ, including drinks, are 27,50 EUR per person.

You are kindly asked to pay this amount in advance to the NZS, because they will organise the catering themselves and there is no possibility to pay at the evening itself.

If required the NZS can send and invoice.



Norwegian Seaman's Church
Westzeedijk 300,
3016 AP Rotterdam

Contact for Event

To book a place please email EVENTS@DUTCHSHIPBROKERS.NL and payment to be made to NL16 INGB 0002 3240 46  to attention of:

Nederlandse Zeebevrachters Sociëteit with reference to BBQ 2019 with your name + ICS.